The vehicle may be washed at any time, using a mild car soap, and avoiding stiff brushes or sponges. We recommend waiting 90 days before waxing or polishing the vehicle, to allow the finish to dry and harden properly.
The deductible is the owner’s portion of the repair expense, payable when the repairs are completed. The deductible amount was determined at the time you took out your insurance policy. Typically, the higher the deductible, the lower your insurance costs. With the higher deductible, it’s always a good idea to have a rainy day fund set aside in the event of a loss. Paying a little more on your insurance payments will result in a lower and more manageable deductible. Check with your agent to be sure you have the coverage you need.
Conspiring to bury the deductible is insurance fraud and is against the law. If an auto body shop agrees to bury the deductible, it either has to inflate the price it charges the insurance company, or take short cuts in making repairs. Insurance company representatives know the costs of repairs and cannot be fooled by inflated prices. If you have a collision loss, you are responsible for the first portion of repairs & your deductible amount.
Only one!
Yes. The Minnesota Fair Claims Practice Act states you have the right to choose the repair facility. Your rights under Minnesota Law requires insurance companies to work with the autobody shop of your choice. When you call in a claim, notify them of the shops name. The Insurance company cannot require you to go to their recommended shops. We work with all insurance companies, and will be happy to handle the claims process for you.